In a general way we want to offer you a wide range of product for parks for celebration and to put in your knowledge that our units are manufactured with national products that complete the European Normative EN-1176 in every way.
We endeavour on studying your project and carefully study each unit with respect to the business and we try to adapt as much as possible to your budget.
Our premises when designing a park of games is first of all the security whether big or small, it is our objective on making the units completely safe so that parent can feel calm and at ease when they leave their children alone.
We take great importance with respect to the heights, we don´t put the slides near to nets, we put nets on the roof of the games, respect the separations of existing walls and provide games that are flexible and not metalic. We don´t use products such as swinging ropes, fireman´s escape bar, moveable swings in the game above other things.
Has it got a corner, a column that obstructs, or simply in the other businesses they have commented that they can´t fit the installation of their balls parks because their fitments are just standard model? Don´t worry because MEGATOD makes your parks TODPLAY on the measurements of your space.
On the other hand we can organize your park of balls TODPLAY in the way you would like it. The sea, nature, in space, pirates, princesses, knights or just a festive environment are some of the themes already completed for our clients.
In respect to the European Normative of the products all our units possess a certificate that consists of:
- A certificate for the equipment
- A certificate of the construction in agreement in agreement to the European Normative
- A certificate for installing the equipment
- A certificate for the first inspection and starting with the client
- A technical record of the capacity and place of child´s park
All the certificates are obligatory and having all these documents up to date enables you to be able to have a children´s leisure zone.
We should like to ask you to send us plans of the premises and photographs so that we can start your project.
Apply for more information and tell us your ideas filling in this form.
If you want you can download the catalogue of equipment children´s.